Bollens, S. A. (2000), On Narrow ground (intro2)

Publié le par olivier Legrand

Bollens, S. A. (2000), On Narrow ground, State University of New York Press, p.415


Ideology : political belief system that embraces an inner logic and guide & justify organized political and social action

(Bilski & Galnoor 1980)

Ideology of government fro desired urban outcomes in society of conflicting ethnic groups

Emphasize government ideology because puvlic authorities operating amidst ethnic unrest must adopt an explicit doctrine that justifies and defends their policies amidst societal fragmantation


governing ideology in urban planning = intake [admission] or gatekeeper f() group to penetrate and frame public policy Þ ethnonationalists or civic

the translation of governing ideology into urban policy is not straightforward [simple]

ideology Þ ¹ interpretation for achieve chosen ends no just enough to want peace or equality


“Fundamental ideology in an urban system is implemented primarily through urban planning and policy decision


give concrete meaning to goal, Fundamental ideology not easlely translatable into the urban landscape


ideology of urban separation segregation vs centripetal and interdependent dynamic ir urban areas



Model of urban Policy strategy p.23




Address urban symptoms of ethnic conflict at individual level


Maintain/increase disparities


Address urban systems of ethnic conflict at ethnic group level


Address root cause /sovereignty issue



Neutral seek depoliticize territorial issue urban problem value free, technical issue solvable through planning procedure technical emphasis “color-blind approach”

Social conservatism


Patisan city’s governing ideology merge with the empowered group’s ethnonationalist ideology Þ dominant strategies land use, regulation Þ control access (Lustick 1979, Sack 1981)

“In most case, however, the importance difference between partisan and neutral urban strategies leis not in their visible tools, but more covertly in the goal pursued and their handling of urban ethnicity


Use same tool and language is objective and rational


Territorial control and subjugation

Yiftachel 1995


Urban planning tool emphasize regulation and control of land use


equity Þ recognize and emphazed ethnic affiliation for the decrease of intergroup inequalities

Nordlinger 1972 Esman 1973

Creation equity-based criteria Þ f()an and technical criteria

(Krumholz & Forester 1990)

remediation and affirmative action policy

based on group idetntity

lessen urban inequalityes


Polarized city Þ cause of ethnic conflict tension reside partially in economic disparity of y-urban landscape

“Equity planning may also be used by empowered group in a less accommodating spirit as a way to defer the need to engage in broader sovereignty and political discussion



Urban equity strategies that disconnected from sovereignty and territorial negotiations may be bounded by the political dynamics of the opposing ethnic communities and may act as a flashpoint for urban unrest and state repression


Resolver link urban issue to root political cause urban polarizaion resolve the conflict rather than managing it

Urban planning innovation public policy arena Þempower subordinate urban group and address root issue of the conflict

Friedmann 1992, 1987


Not incremental reform of basic parameters but emancipation an basic structuras change

“The resolver urna strategic is essentially confrontation of the status quo on its attempts to link scientific and technical knowledge to processes of system transformation


Urban ethnic condition relation social, cultural and economic deprivation and the unfulfillment of basic human needs for identity and purpose


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